Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another interesting trip back to LA, trial, DMV, passports, other shenanigans

So guess my trial is really about to happen tomorrow, or rather, later on today. Wonder if I'll be able to look my perpetrator directly in the eye in court. For anyone interested, I'll be at the Burbank Courthouse, part of the LA Superior Court. Address is 300 East Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91502. Really can't wait for this whole thing to be over with. Hope it doesn't drag on into Wednesday for my testimony. More updates to come later. For those who don't know, March 31st will be the two year anniversary of my kidnapping/robbery/carjacking. 

I flew back to Miami this last Wednesday from Fort Lauderdale(FLL) Airport, and I never knew real birds were allowed inside the terminal. After that sight, somehow I knew it was going to be another interesting flight. While going through airport security, I'm stopped for a bag check and I thought to myself, "What now?" Turns out they thought my Magic gaming cards were suspicious. Out of like 10 times so far, that was a first. Amazing. So I departed via Virgin America (which is awesome by the way) without any other hiccups, but even VA couldn't do much about the abdominal pain I was having shortly after takeoff. Maybe it was hunger, or maybe it was ulcers, but either way, pain lastly entire flight, which was horrible. Or perhaps I was already dreading my pending trial subconsciously. 

After landing and gate arrival, while getting ready to exit the plane, I recalled this girl had to have her luggage placed in an overhead compartment a little further back of the plane. It crossed my mind to let some people pass and then get the luggage for her since she was waiting diligently several rows in front of the plane for everyone else to leave. Then I thought better of it because I was in a hurry, and in quite a bit of pain. Plus, I didn't want her to think I was actually trying to steal her roller bag or something, especially since it looked like mine. So I walked by her and showed some sympathy that she's waiting for everyone to leave. In hindsight, I should have just gotten it for her. So what if I'll be holding up traffic for everyone else trying to exit the plane? Still feel guilty. Anyhow, shortly after, this little old lady who spoke only Spanish was asking for a wheelchair so ended up translating for a second. Elderly people over age of 70 should not be traveling alone within the US, especially if you don't speak any English. A few minutes later, while I was waiting for my brother to drive by the arrival gate, this Chinese couple next to a pay phone flag me down and asked me if I spoke Chinese. I reluctantly said yes, only because I was wary what they wanted. Turns out they couldn't read English (the guy was holding a business card upside down) and didn't know how the pay phone worked. So ended up busting out some Spanish and Chinese that night to help not one, but three people. Guess I could've helped a 4th person. 

The following day, I had an appointment with the DMV to renew my driver's license, celebrated my brother's birthday. Day after that, had to touch base with the Deputy District Attorney and take care of some drama back in Miami, even while I'm in LA (sometimes I feel like the chief resident). Went out with some friends later that evening. Saturday, I had to take care of my passport, run to the bank, set up an IRA, then meet up with friends in evening. On Sunday, did some laundry, got a haircut, called up some more friends, watched the movie Rango(which wasn't bad), ate out with friends. So yea, I've been quite busy, to say the least. Some vacation I'm having. Well, at least Ultra Music Festival is in 10 days. Can't wait for that. And I finally ate In-N-Out for first time in a year. 

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